
Monday, January 18, 2016


Over the last 4 years since I was diagnosed, I've made tremendous amounts of progress with my self awareness. I'm not apathetic to my explosions. I notice when I get distressed and issue warnings, and continue to grow in every sense of the word. (except height, the consistent ADHD meds screwed that up for me.)

I was told the other day, by a new friend: "I was thinking about you the other day, and realized that I'm going to have to prepare to be yelled at by Laura"

What a dismal and heartbreaking comment. There's good to the statement: He's in it for the long haul. I don't think I'm subordinate to my disability permanently. Sometimes I am. When my awareness is heeded when I alert of distress, anxiety or fear, its alot harder to reach a point where I start doing anything and everything to get rid of what's burning me internally.

I can't express how proud of myself I am, as I have grown exponentially and still continue to do so every day.   Many of my demons have been conquered.  

As of April, I will have "graduated" and will be taking off to Washington to work for Microsoft, maybe permanently.   And this time I feel like I can do it. 

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