new update...
Ok. New Stuff. Well, monday was the first day at byu. I have physics 220,(the electric class) with christer, patrick, and people from 123 who were in my study group. like david, jen, jeff (he went to my high school!) and mike and others like that. This is going to be a fun class. I also have Computer Science 240, which is advanced programming concepts. This class is funny, because there are only 2 other females in the class, and this class is to learn c++, and I already know c++, contrary to the Java that they taught in the equivelant classes.
I have already seen like 6 other people from last semester, but as I walked into the morris center, I was hit with the realization that I'm not going to be waiting for bryan and weston anymore. See, as a high school student at byu, I really had no place that was MINE, one that I could go and relax and work on homework, like a dorm, and stuff. So I picked the morris center/the w-hall lobby. (w-hall is one of the boys dormitories) and I would sit in those spots for hours, working on homework, studying, and waiting for bryan or weston to come down so I could chat, or walk with them, (didn't matter where) or so I could eat with them, (yeah, unless I fell asleep and they woke me up with water from the fountain. Weston's words were "You jumped quite nicely..." )
Anyway, as they are going on their missions, they won't be comming back for 2 years, and by that time, yeah, I'm not living in the dorms... I mean, those activities I used to do... are never ever going to happen again. EVER! PERIOD. It was a one semester thing
So what I still can't fathom, is that December 31st, New Years Eve, marked the 2-month 'anniversary' of meeting those guys, well, joey came the day after, and christer also did, and stephen, I met him like 2 weeks after that, and grant, I've known for almost 2 weeks before them, but taking the average, its been about 2 months. I seriously feel like I've known them longer... an example....
(Paragraphs created for for easy reading... )
I read a book a while ago. It's a book in the middle of the Arianna series. LDS fiction. one of the main characters (i'll call him A, since I don't remember his name.)in the book before it, is on a mission to france, He gets his companion(B), and they are together for a while. A writes to his sister (C), and B wants to know who A is writing to all the time. (This has relevence so just hang on...)
A shows a picture of C to B, and B is like, "She looks very familiar." but there is absolutely no way that C has ever met B, or that B could have seen C. (Just know that there is no way that B could say she was familiar.)
well, a couple or weeks later, B is getting ready to go home to provo utah. Well C has just gotten accepted to BYU. and I think C was at the cremery, and B was getting out of the car, and they crashed into each other, and he caught her as she fell backwards, and saw her face, recognized her, and asked her to marry him right then and there. He'd never talked to her before in his life, and vice versa. (REMEMBER THIS IS LDS FICTION)
So anyway, there is lots of doubt about getting married from family members and stuff because they were engaged less then 2 seconds after meeting, and but they do get married. at the end, its talks about kneeling at the alter, and how beautiful B thought C was, and the family members around, and then how the Sealer said, that he had a revelation that B and C were best friends in the premortal life, and that they had promised to find each other on earth.
~catching breath~ ok, so I'm not saying that I'm destined to marry these guys but, I feel as if, I've known them for along time, and I think that's why, with as asocial as I've been in the last several years, they all became my best friends in a period of a couple minutes. It was just like, wow, its not a coincidence.
Well, anyway... I've got to write a kikomemory... and um, do my sterling scholar portfolio. Hey guys, keep a look out during the next few weeks, and see me in the news and on the internet for the sterling scholars....
1 thoughts :
there is no way that I can find to comment directly on your memorys page, so this will have to do.
Question: do you have any memorys after 9th grade, or does your mind just go blank? :D
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