My 2nd Family

Friday, August 12, 2011

My 2nd Family

It surprises me, how close I can be with my friends.  They're like a 2nd family to me, which is why, I guess, I get my underwear in a ruffle if I'm not treated on equal ground with the rest of them, or why it causes me so much pain to have it split.  Not everyone else sees them the same way I do.  And most of the time I try to splooge on them all equally. 

Kristen got married.  It was her family, his family and us. 

Not bridesmaids or groomsmen.  Her 2nd family who has stuck by her for 2 and a half years.  My Family.

  P.S. Check out my 101 in 1001  and see how I'm doing!

1 thoughts :

Unknown said...

Just for clarification.... can you define the word "splooge" in this context?
