
Monday, August 22, 2011


At the start of the summer semester I was taking a Russian Class. Every day, I would log out of my phone at work, and make my way to the class at 9.  I work in the basement, and would wander the twisty hallways to the stairway that leads up by the Graduation Office by the Hall of Flags.  As you walk up the stairs, a giant window into the graduation office comes into view, and the first thing you'll see is the back side of a computer monitor.  As you get a little higher on the stairwell, the 2nd thing that comes into view, is a blonde boy.

Every day I would trudge up the stairs, and every day we would make eye contact with each other for a little while as I made it the rest of the way up the stairs and turned the corner.  Sometimes, he would be working, and he wouldn't see me.  I often spent the moments as I approached the stairs wondering if I was going to see him at the top of the stairs.

Never did we wave at each other or nod our head in acknowledgement.  Though I did think about it, but when my Russian class ended, I was sad that I would most likely not be able to continue this weird silent exchange.

Finding out that they sold sushi at the cafeteria had me going upstairs at 11, where occasionally I would see him at his desk.  Anytime after 1, he wasn't there. 

As I started taking the bus in the morning, which would push my entrance to the building to a different door, I would pass the office and go down the stairs, always looking for the blond haired boy, always making eye contact with him as I walked to the stairs. 

Yesterday, was the big President of the University breakfast, and all employees are supposed to close up shop from 7:30 am to 8:30 am. I was faced with the decision to either go sleep somewhere for half an hour (I worked at 8) or go to the meeting which had been started for half an hour already.  As I got to the stairwell, and saw the Graduation Office all closed down, and thought to myself, "HEY! I wonder if he's at the meeting." So, I wandered over to the ballroom, a little skip to my walk, and as I entered the ballroom, I saw the breakfast tables and!......... A large room full of lots of people sitting and listening to the President speak.  My heart fell. I was so excited.  There was no way I would find him in here....

Deciding I was hungry, I grabbed a burrito, an orange juice and found one of the last available seats next to some Indian dude and sat and grumpily ate my burrito.

And then got hungry again.

And then got up to get another burrito.

And turned around to find Blonde-Haired boy sitting in the Indian dude's spot.  (Indian Dude wasn't happy.) 

What to do but say "Hey! I know you! I see you in the GO when I come up the stairs.  Hi!" to which he inclined his head in acknowledgement.

His name... is Sam.
  P.S. Check out my 101 in 1001  and see how I'm doing!

1 thoughts :

Socorro Smith said...

Saam? Are you sure his name wasn't nick/nik/anything similar?
