[School Brain Dump]

Thursday, January 06, 2011

[School Brain Dump]

Yesterday, Kristen and I went to work early at 8, and wandered in the bitter cold to the bookstore, where for hours we slaved to the sheer number of people who came in and begged for help finding their textbooks, because they couldn't read the signs on the shelves.   After 10 o'clock, the lines for checkout were winding through the store. We ended up having to show people where to get in line:

For an hour I told people where to go, and reorganized them.

This is a conversation I had with maybe 80% of the people getting in line... word for word:
Helpless person who can't read: "This is the end of the line?"
Me: yes. 
Now not clueless, but still can't read person: "Sweeeeeet". 

I kid you not.  They all said "Sweeeeeet".

After a while, we ended up passing out candy to those in the line......

At 1 I prepared for my class and went to Russian.  My teacher is a native speaker from Russia, named Olga. She went over the syllabus and showed us a power point.

(My favorite part? She was showing us reasons to learn Russian and giving us cool facts about Russia.  On the power point, it said: "Russia is the largest country in the world" and she repeated that as she went through the powerpoint, then she described it as: "It goes from the Pacific Ocean to middle of Europe, and from the Arctic Ocean to China.  Its almost as big as the United States." )

Afterwards, I wandered to the CS building and went to my usual spot of Tables and couches on the 5th floor. (This is the area where all my CS classes I took in High School were.)  And Kristen came to visit me, taking a nap on the couch behind me.  I went to the table next to her couch and petted her on the hair.. (long story) then wandered to my linux class, only to find out one of the books I was told I needed, I didn't need any more, and the other book was the one I needed.  

Oh well, this book gives me a license to get a certification somewhere important.

This morning, Kristen and I were late leaving the apartment and had to go get Stephanie.  After looking for a couple minutes in the institute parking for spaces, Kristen told us to get out and she'd park the car. She told us to go in the Events center, so we went the only way we know how, through the LA building.... Leading us to try and find the ballroom class like this:

The stadium was big......  Then as we came out the other side, Kristen came in and we all went to class 15 minutes late to find Alex waiting inside.  (I think I'm trying out for ballroom, and I may kill my Ice Skating class.....  But ballroom would be Monday Wednesday Friday at either 12 or 1, and Ice Skating would be from 12 - 1:50 on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I'd get good exercise every day.) 

Afterwards, I have to book it from the McKay Events center to the CS building 6th floor.  

As seen by the yellow line on this map.

In my Database class, I announced myself as a Gamer Chick and showed the guys behind me a Dual Screen Laptop, which instantly helped me bond with them.

The rest of the day, I have an interview in an hour, and my Russian class again.  This leads me ALLLLLL over campus... and frankly, I'm exhausted already from carrying several books and my 17 inch clunker.

I think I can do this.    

My schedules are coming into place.  Cory wants to set up a night for Board Game night that doesn't conflict with any schedules.  Kristen and I need to get together and figure out dinner nights, so if there's anyone out there that wants to be a part of that, let me know.  We've got car pools going, and schedules interacting.  Each of us is working to help others get A's.   And I get to start cleaning my computer off to prep it for a Linux/Win 7 dual boot....

Oh, and here's my new idea.  I'm a visual person.  I ordered many colors of Postit notes.  As I recieve things to do, I write it on a corresponding post it (color based: School, Personal, Financial)  Then I stick it to my wall over my headboard.   I don't get to remove it till I finish it.  (And when I go to sleep at night, its "Over my head" HA!)

I have a study group for my database class.  I need to get a couple more study groups going, and soon I will be on my way to the Cyber Security Division of the FBI... or something like that. :)
  P.S. Check out my 101 in 1001  and see how I'm doing!
