[A Random Attempt at Poetry]

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

[A Random Attempt at Poetry]

(And a lame one at that)

Your lips are the softest things I've tasted.
(cause soft is definitely a taste)
You push me farther than I think I can, 
And show me that I could.
Your body is soft but strong, 
I can melt into you
But feel safe. 

The smell of you renders me helpless
you are the air I'd die to breathe. 
To nuzzle in your hoodie is one of my favorite past times, 
to sleep curled next to it, controls my dreams.

Your brain... is gorgeous. 
I want to see inside it.  And explore every hidden corner. 
I cannot believe I know you. 
Me! I know you.  
The brilliance of you outshines anything I do
And makes me want to be better. 

Your face is the painting I'm required to study,
Your body, a sculpture. 
The porcelain to run my fingers over. 


And then my Russian Class ended and my creativity ran out. 
  P.S. Check out my 101 in 1001  and see how I'm doing!

3 thoughts :

Anonymous said...

So....Here I am chilling in class. Leaving anonymous messages to people sitting next to me. That's right, I'm talking to you Laura.

I wonder how long of a message it will allow me to leave here, or if you'll even read all of it. Maybe I'll leave random Easter eggs in here for you to find while reading, such things like EXPLODING SOCK PUPPETS or other meaningful messages.

You look kinda bored here in class checking out the random websites. Oooo, I just noticed I can add HTML tags to this post I wonder if I can write a script as well. I doubt it, I'm guessing they've only allowed the commands of <.b>, <.i>, and <.a> to prevent exploitative people like me hehe. (Had to put the periods because it wanted closing statements)

Hmmm, what else to talk about? You ever been Indoor skydiving? There is a place down in Ogden where you can do that its pretty fun, they also record you if you want to see what you did in there after, often very entertaining lol. We should go out some time and I'll take you there ;)

I wonder if this will let me actually post pages and pages of text as a comment to your post. I really hope it will because if it doesn't this could be really odd trying to format this again and find the cutoff point of text if they don't tell me after I push "Publish your comment"

You have a kinect? I'm pretty jealous, I want to try that out sometime it looks fairly entertaining.

Ok, you look a little annoyed now so I'll end this comment lol. I hope you've enjoyed reading this if you actually read it all.


Kristen K said...

I read it all.

Laura ... *shakes head* I have nothing to say.

Jessie said...

And you think you're going to learn Russian this way???

You can't zone out and think of Mr. Darcy while in class! (Not if you expect to learn something, that is)

*rolls eyes*
*smacks forehead*
*gains headache*

See you Sunday!
