
Thursday, December 30, 2010



There was lots that I remember in this dream, and the beginning was not part of that.  The earliest I remember was knowing that I was getting married and was freaking out about it. *POST EDIT* (As I have been recounting the dream, I remember being stranded somewhere in salt lake.....) I know who I was marrying.  If I remember correctly, we had tried to get married once before and I freaked, and now we were trying again.  The Salt Lake temple was where we were going later that day.  (way late at night by the looks of the rest of the dream....) The dream almost seemed like we were paired up and were rushing to try and get to know each other before we got married.  I already knew that I loved him.  It was very easy to love him.  I knew it deep down.  There was nothing I wouldn't do for him. But he was trying to figure things out.

I went down to a basement of the random house we were in to  find him, and found him in the guest bedroom we had set aside for him, praying. My 2 youngest sisters were in the room, and I quickly grabbed them and pushed them out of the room, receiving one of his famous looks at me as I left, making me chuckle. Thinking as I left the room, I thought, oh, maybe I should have prayed about this before I actually go through with this.  Loving him isn't enough, I should receive a confirmation.  That scared me, what if I received an answer that I didn't like?

Walking past his computer with Anna in my arms, she said "Look what I did.."  She had opened some paint application on his computer and had drawn something.  Behind it, was an email.  And email from my email address to several people.  He had utilized my email, and was asking questions as me.  He came up behind me, frustrated that I was looking at his computer, and probably frustrated that I had seen what he did.  I turned to face him, and saw his face, it was frightened.  I said. "I'm not mad at this.  I have never once known you to act without thinking through it clearly, and without good reason.  I trust that whatever you did here, was important to you. I am curious though as to what it is exactly."  I don't think I ever learned what it was for....

I spent alot of the time wandering around this house thinking about marrying him.  I was getting scared.  I kept bumping into extended family members.  (Which is weird because I never dream about extended family members.)  I kept running into my brother-in-law Eric, and asking him over and over how did he know he wanted to marry my sister.  Was he ever scared?  ( I don't remember the answers to these questions) I received word that my soon to be husband was with my mom, and my mom was requesting that I go talk to him.

I went to find him and found him sitting in another room all by himself.  He was attempting to calculate in his head just how happy I was with him.  We had apparently gone to the beach the day before. and he didn't think I was that happy to be there.  I told him that I didn't particularly like the beach because of the amount of sun, but, that I was happier there with  him, than anywhere else without him.  He gave me an amused look, and leaned in to kiss me.... Just a peck.  To which, I said: "Heeeeey, that's not fair" and gave him an ACTUAL Kiss.  I had been waiting "ALL DAY" to get one from him.   It was soft, and long, full of happiness, but not passionate.

We went for a walk out in the gardens behind the house, where I received a phone call.  Someone, I didn't really know, but who was invited

  P.S. Check out my 101 in 1001  and see how I'm doing!

1 thoughts :

Jessie said...

p.s. Eric knew through the little things and through the "right" feeling.
