
Wednesday, May 12, 2010


A while ago I wrote a post: Questions of a Hypothetical Nature in which I discussed my imaginary boyfriend Nik.  Kristen is the one who labeled him my imaginary boyfriend, 2 years ago... and since that blogpost showed up on Buzz, and among my twitter feed, I've had a couple people inquire as to who he is, and where he came from. He's been titled my "imaginary boyfriend" because I spend so much time around him. (I have an imaginary roommate too... and an imaginary teacher) I actually had a dream about him last night... him in real life, not in the fantasy world that I've been writing about.  I guess deep down my brain wondered what he would be like in real life, if he lived here...  and I guess I got my answer.

The one of the ideas I entertained, a while ago, when I actually became serious about generating MY own story... and removing aspects of it that came from other ideas, was the main character who was from earth, who could jump dimensions.  Kind of Sliders idea, except for the fact that when they jumped, or portaled, or whatever the term I used at the time, it to a different world. She had a trainer, who was named Nikalaren.  (Kind of originally took off from Tamora Pierce's book.. with the wizard named Niklaren Goldeye.  I loved the name so much, except in my head it was Nikalaren, with an a in the middle.  Nikalaren Galaedras.  -( Gal-ay-dras).  As the character developed, he was a perfect match for the main character, and its weird, though not uncommon to have characters fall in love with a trainer/guide/leader.  (EFY girls do it all the time)

I, however, wanted more of a friend. At the time he was created, I didn't really have any close friends. I so desperately wanted someone to confide in, someone who could read my mind, someone who would be right there when I needed them, someone as broken as me. And that's what he was.  The main character had a best friend.  The love interest was supposed to originally be someone else, it made more sense to the plot line to have the main character be with this other person.. However, I remember calling Socorro at 2:30 about 2 years ago:

Socorro: Hi? Its 2:30 am... 
Laura: I know, you're still up though.
Socorro: Yes.  
Laura: I can't do it?
Socorro: Do what? 
Laura: Put her and Lyco together.  
Socorro: I ... what? oh. this again. 
Laura: I can't NOT put her and Nik together, its driving me insane. 
Her being, I don't have a name for her yet, but in times of great confusion, will stick the name Laura in there... :)

Lyco was, a very important person to the plot line, and looking back now, he actually is very much like Cory. (Having created the character of Lyco Drol years before I met Cory, I'm happy to say that he did not, in fact, come from the idea of Cory.) Lyco was Darkness, where as Nikalaren was Light.

So, who is he? I'm glad you asked.

Nikalaren Galaedras was born approximately 5-6 earth months before I was. He is one of 2 children, his younger sister being adopted.  His dad was sent off as part of the military, and hasn't been seen from or heard from again, so he's grown up with his mom. He's Akarian.  From this comes a high class of people... similar to Vulcans, especially those who hang around with royalty.  While Nik has royal lines in him, he is not royalty.  His mom is an ambassador, so Nik is well versed in politics and the way things are supposed to be.  While he's severely fluent with computers and ship systems, he doesn't have a fondness for them like the main character or his roommate  Oh yeah, Akarians have a telepathic ability. (all right all right, i WILL share THIS with you... This is different than what I was talking about earlier... don't laugh at me.. it was something I put down in 15 minutes, cause Christopher Knorr wanted to know more, and the REAL version is MUCH better) Anyways, Nik is really good with Astrophysics, and just physics in general. Its kind of been a hobby of his, while his main line of study is actually Neuroscience. Politics and Neuroscience... sounds really smart.   He sings too, did I mention that?  He's broken though.  He lives under the idea that his father abandoned him, and while everyone else looks up to him for the things his father did before he left, he feels like a failure.  He also, is one of the first that magic awoke in.  And trudging all alone, needed to figure out how to control it, and once upon a time considered himself the equivalent of a freak, and the inability to fit in, no matter how much people seemed to like him, he always felt outside.

He never shows emotion, except the occasional smile.  He loves to learn, and is insistent on being on time with everything.  Projects, schoolwork, location.  He's an event planner, and ends up being the equivalent of 'student body president' because he's so out going.  A popular guy, 

I always had this idea in my head of what he looked like.  It was something that comes naturally.  I've never had to sit and consider what he looked like. Nik is blonde, a shaggy blonde.  Not overly muscular, but well toned. High forehead. Slightly taller than I am.   And its weird, one day I came across this video.

A*Teens - A Perfect Match
Uploaded by UniversalMusicUK. - Explore more music videos.

Not entirely sure why it redirects...i would have LOVED to embed it.

Tone him up a bit, and make the face a little less baby-ish and fragile,  square it a bit, make him older, and you come pretty close.   I actually started freaking out, thinking I was seeing a real life version of the man in my dreams.  I couldn't believe it.  I still don't.  Everyone who is close to me has heard of Nikalaren at one point

I don't know.. I hold on to the romantic idea that the reason I can see him so clearly in my head... well.. I'll leave it there, but I don't let it influence me..   ^_^

So now you know. 

1 thoughts :

~David~ !Sharp! said...

Lol. You know, I wonder if this will ever happen with me with one of my female characters in my books. Who knows, I guess.
