[ Anyone want a $25 Gift Card ]

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

[ Anyone want a $25 Gift Card ]

I'm excited.  This is a post I've been working on for a LOOOONG time. Very long time.  I'm a soundtrack buff.  Most of the time if you play part of a soundtrack, and I can tell you who did it, or what movie its from, even if I've never heard it before.  I have favorite musical moments.  And, I wanted to start upping my readers.  So. In honor of this, (and many other things)  I'm having a contest.

Rules are simple:  First person to get all soundtrack pieces right, (meaning movie/tv show/video game, and if possible, the artist) and emailed to me (kikastrophe@gmail.com) will get a $25 dollar gift card from Amazon. :)  And, yes, I plan on having more of these contests in the future. Realize, that if at first, it sounds unfamiliar, its because I may have added fluff before the main theme that people will recognize... Listening to the entire song may help you get it.

I'll post a blog post when someone actually gets it, so even if you arrive at this post late, you might still have a chance. Also, if after a week, no one has gotten all the answers, I'll award the person who came the closest.... so, if you don't know them all, submit anyway...

Playlist at the bottom has been disabled until further notice.

Feel free to comment on the post... like which ones you like and such, but if any comments get posted in which an answer is given, it WILL be deleted.

Ready? Lets start with something easy.


This is definitely something most people should have heard before....

Here's another moment from the movie -

See... not that hard.

All right.  Here's the next one:


One of my favorite String Themes EVER...

Here is the same theme, in another part of the movie:

Here's another Idea from the movie:


This one SHOULD be an easy one -

However, my FAVORITE PART of the soundtrack is the syncopation in this one:



This one will be more difficult for some... hint: more boys will get this than girls.

But we'll make it blatantly obvious...




One of my favorite musical moments.





annnnd 2 more hints.

Ok ok... one more.

HAHAHA. Musical moment for this one happens at 1:05, but the intro is necessary. I showed this to Danny, and he didn't get it, for the longest time.... and it was a OH MY GOSH moment, when he figured it out.

Another favorite String moment.

This is actually a classical piece. But, it was in a movie, so.. you can either tell me the original song and who its by... or the movie it comes from and who did it.

There are actually 2 songs here from 2 different movies. If you can get the movie group, that works. The first 2 songs are actually parts from the same song. I like these because they push the limits of music.

These next 2 come from another movie in the series, and, Itunes threw fits when I tried to cut them any smaller... (no clue) So... you can listen to the whole things, they're a little longer than I wanted them to be. But, I'll tell you where I was going to cut them off.

:28 seconds in.

1:00 in



Someone redid the main theme for this... Its right here..

Ok.. here's an easy one.




I'm pretty sure most of you will recognize this, but not know where its from...



And.... here's a bonus

If any links don't work, or you find duplicate songs in here, let me know.

Have fun!

3 thoughts :

Laura said...

Those coming from facebook - Don't let Kristen discourage you... she got at 19 out of 26.

RAY J said...

Oh man I recognize so many of them but can't place them in my head!!

Please eventually post the names with them after the contest - 18 & 19 are going to drive me nuts, as I KNOW them but can't think for the life of me what movies they're from, lol...

Kristen K said...
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