
Sunday, May 09, 2010


The day is Friday night.  My birthday.  I had just gone to dinner and IronMan 2.   I got home a 2 am.   I walked up to my back door finding it locked, so I ran around to the front door, fiddling in my keys.  A shadow is cast upon the front door, making it difficult, and nearly impossible to see anyone standing there. 

I'm not sure why I was looking out at the apartment complex across the street.  I guess I kind of zoned out looking out there. I look back on that night and have no clue. It confuses me so much... until a white outback came through the roundabout and paused in front of my apartment,  not completely at a stop, but slowed down. Me being hidden by the shadows, was unsure of if he saw me, or was just looking at the apartment.  I took a step out into the light, and the car tore down the street.  I ran out to the street, still holding my keys, and watched the outback take the first left it could.  There is only one white/cream outback that exists over there. 

The best birthday present ever.... I got to see a glimpse of the person I've been dying to see for months, before he tore away into the night.  

Weird huh?

0 thoughts :
