
Tuesday, April 06, 2010


Today, I woke up late.
Today, I couldn't find my keys, so I said a prayer, and found them at the foot of my bed under all my blankets.
Today, I had left over pizza .
Today, I implemented a technological experiment that has had interesting results so far.
Today, I made my manager smile for the first time.
Today, I found several songs I've been looking for.
Today, I noticed they finally put a street light up on the curve from 800N to University Avenue.
Today, I yelled at my mom.
Today, I made a wish at 12:34 AND 11:11
Today, I made my bed.
Today, I gave my sister pizza.
Today, I joked with my manager.
Today, I made 2 new friends - Raechel and Justin.
Today, I walked to the cafeteria with the new guy (justin) and we talked about tech stuff. (Its almost like I have Blake back.... Almost. )
Today, I cleaned part of my room.
Today, I didn't leave the work area.
Today, I ordered myself a new network cable, 2 iphone cases, and 2 iphone cords... for under 11 bucks.
Today, I forgot to send in my 401K paperwork.
Today, I sunk back into a depression.
Today, I closed a couple cases.
Today, I finally got a headset.
Today, I almost worked up the nerve to ask my coworker out.
Today, I decided that Justin, (cute justin) is the smartest man in the world, and I feel inadequate around him.
Today, I also decided that I really don't deserve the friends I have.
Today, I found Ghirardelli in a box, that I didn't know existed.
Today, It snowed.
Today, the sun shined.
Today, It snowed again.
Today, the sun shined while it was snowing.
Today, there was blue sky while it was snowing.
Today, I went to my car, drove out of the parking lot, thought I left my phone in the bathroom, ran back into the bathroom, didn't find my phone, ran back to my car, and found it in my purse. (I'm totally putting a detailed version of this on MLIA....  its much more funny and embarassing than what I put here)
Today, I brought febreeze into the office...
Today, I showed off my jailbroken 3.1.3 phone to someone who didn't think you could jailbreak that version.
Today, I was needed by my new coworker.
Today, other than the snow... was just another average day.

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