suprise water attack

Saturday, May 19, 2007

suprise water attack

today was a good day. XD It started out not so good..and got better. my hay fever was absolutely horrible. then there was a heroes marathon on sci-fi channel, that i got my family hooked on. then i get this call from socorro.
socorro: you want to do something?
me: sure, like what
socorro: talk to karl
karl: hello?
me: um hi? i was thinking maybe i can get us into my basement to watch heroes
karl: that'd be cool.. actually we're already here
me: what? ok i'll be right out

i walk out side, notice the car. and a head sticking up behind it, and then was drenched.

they got water guns

the little sneaks

i ran back into the house saying i needed a water gun.. was told that i could use the hose

and i kicked butt

until my brother came out and drenched me with a pitcher of water


weeeeellll yeah we played in my backyard and on my trampoline.. and then they left... it was a pretty cool day.

now for more deeper thoughts.


why Why WHy WHY?! i need to just not ever talk to them again.

i had hung out with one awile ago. thought he liked me.. he acted like he liked me.. and i just found out that he had a girlfriend. sigh.. i have to go to bed. i'll finish this later.

0 thoughts :
