The Real Hike Post Pt. 1

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Real Hike Post Pt. 1


OKAY! so.  Saturday.  I'm thinking to myself at this point, that I wanted to do something epic. (And in reality, Epic is what it turned into)  I had this awesome thought: What if we were to hike somewhere to eat. And I thought of Stewart Falls, and relatively easy hike with a waterfall.   And thinking to myself, "Dear self, what if we were to stay out late enough to utilize the telescopes we had built the week before.  Which would mean, we should bring blankets and even shelter up depending on the weather! PERFECT! Running to my dad, I asked for sleeping bags and a tent.  Which was granted to me under the condition that we came home that night. 

Nathaniel showed up around 2:30 the next day, and we started packing up what we had.  And making foods.  While making the sandwiches, we had ahead of lettuce out. And he started munching on the lettuce just off the head.  (Which, I used to do as a kid. Lettuce was my favorite food.) and my mom kind of flipped, just cause he was acting just as weird as I was.
 We decided to wrap up sleeping bags zipped together. 

Hey look! Picture:

Which, when we were done packing everything up, it looked like this:

We ended up leaving my house at 5.  (5!) and making our way up to Stewart falls.  On the way up, we pass a deer that had been hit, and the cars that had hit it. (important later, I promise.) And Nathaniel had made mention that he wanted to clean a deer at some point (Spoiler alert!!!!)   And we made it up there to find it was ALOT colder than we thought. And there was alot more snow than we thought.  As we were trying to find the trail, I even waded through snow that was knee deep.  And then, sweating, proclaimed: All right. That was a good hike.

And thus we began our hike up to Stewart Falls.  And we talked about dating, and Kate, and how he met her, how awesome she was, and what he liked about her, and what was different between me and her. We talked about values and trust.  We talked about Cory, and why he was somehow magnetic to lots of people. Through out this conversation, I came to realize, that even though I loved Cory dearly, and still do, we never went anywhere as a couple.  We spent all that time together, but never had our own lives to compliment it.  At least, I didn't.  And already, in 2 and a half weeks that I had known Nathaniel, we had explored each other (in an abstract way with words, what were YOU thinking?)  and were now hiking out in the snow.  We were never running out of things to talk about, and each thing that was said branched off into many many other conversations and we had to work hard to keep ourselves on track.

I believe in eternity.  As a Mormon, I believe that I will marry someone to be with me for the rest of eternity.  Families are forever.  When I was a child, eternity scared me. And by scared, I meant terrified.  I think it might have been in conjunction with my panic attacks. Also, because I didn't know what love felt like.  Where I was fearing being idle for long periods of time.  And had an idea that that's what eternity would be like.  Somewhere along the line, probably when I started learning about particle physics, my views changed.  The idea that we will suddenly become Gods and Goddesses and know all things immediately didn't make sense to me. *poof* immediate omniscience DID.NOT.MAKE.SENSE. You should learn it. Which meant, I had all eternity to learn biology, particle physics, construction, regular physics, astronomy, math, language, poetry, psychology! Dimensional physics.  Warp technology!  And who knows what else is out there. And my future companion has no choice. He's going through all my self taught classes and exploration with me.

Suddenly, my views on eternity changed. I was excited to die now.  (wait...) with a boy!  With this new view in mind, I saw the ideal date preparation like this:  Pick a topic that was interesting. Do a little research, and then apply it to the date.  So that I was always learning something new, and progressing with he who was on a date.  Hence the original reason I purchased the Galileoscopes a long time ago. And Cory? Well, we never did it.  Wasn't his fault. We both got comfortable staying right where we were.  And I never pushed it.

But I mentioned this to Nathaniel.  Even had an example.  "We could get a book about like, Plant Identification, and then go out into the wilderness and identify them." I had been staring at my feet, precariously trying not to slide off the trail and die, and I looked up to see he had stopped walking and he looked like he was about to fall over.  From excitement.

He's a keeper.

Anyways, we get up to the waterfall, and drop our bags, trying to get close to the falls. Out by the falls, as the ground met the water, it was ICE.  All Ice.  And we remarked on the fascinating colors and patterns in the ice.  It was dark but the light reflecting off the head lamps was awesome. 

We sat on the ice, and let the cold mist hit us. Well, at least I did. I like mist. and Waterfalls.  In the last picture, you can see the ice forming on my snow pants.   After spending some time at the waterfall, and looking around for a place to put up a tent, we decided to hike back to a cement water tower to set up camp before heading home.

And I shall finish this post later.
Lame, I know. 

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