
Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I have a whole bunch of drafts.... posts that never got finished.  Some of the larger ones I have plans to finish... but I have a collection of smaller ones that will never get finished because I don't remember what I was writing.  Read on... I know that many names are mentioned in these....

Here they are:

"An Excerpt from my Novel" -  Jan 25, 2008

I found him on one of the observation decks. He had his back to me, and was staring out the window, deep in thought. His consciousness brushed against mine as the doors hissed shut, instantly telling him who I was, though I'm sure he knew I was coming along time ago.
"Did they finally let you go?" he asked
I sighed. "Yes and no. I don't think anyone noticed I left.
Nik turned around and grinned. "Sneaky Sneaky."
I smiled back. "What are YOU doing?"
He pointed over to a table nearby, that had a data pad, and a book open.

I Do remember what this one was about and where it was going, unfortunately, events in the book I'm writing changed so drastically that this event, their first kiss, never happened like this. Their first kiss, ended up being based off of a real kiss I DID have though. 

"Dinner and a Show" - December 13, 2007

Living in the Branbury is pretty cool. I'm in a cool ward, in an awesome area, and have lots of friends living around. Recently, as my best friend is doing massive amounts of school, and my other best friend is in Michigan, i've been hanging out with 'that cory/ronald guy' :D He lives 2-3 blocks away and its quick and easy to go over there. He's very cool. He's way cute too. Sad thing is, he has a girlfriend. That was NOT very fun to find out. I don't know... we seem to get along pretty well. (we'd have to if i'm spending most of my time over there. >_O. He's always taken though..... irritation... frustration.....)
Also, now going on my 3rd week... i am sick.. have been, and it looks like i'll be sick for a while longer. its some kind of Viral Sinus Infection.... They've given me an inhaler for it. Ryan here at work keeps giving me a hard time about it though. Something about being 'a crusty old woman'. Oh wait, that's what he calls my perfume.
I like work though. Never a dull moment... unless no one's calling in and i can sit and watch movies.. cha-ching!
Only a couple months left till Bryan and Weston get home.. then Christer... then JOEY! W00t!

Ok, So I do remember this draft.  My visiting teacher had invited me to go with her to one of the guy apartments in the ward... where they made us the dinner, and even performed for us.

A Dating Scene - March 13, 2008

Lets take a look into Laura's head.. I know, not pretty, but we need to figure out what's going on.


I don't know i don't know i don't KNOW! I don't know how i feel, i don't know what to do.. yes.. no? if he had told me earlier, things would have been fine.. i probably would have gone out with him... i'm stuck now.. i swore off guys all last year, waiting to see if these 2 coming back.... are going to be anything... I really seriously want to not be involved with this right now.. TOO MUCH why do i always have to freak out when things get like this, and with the random people, i don't... I was fine with blake, i was fine with karl, i was fine with alex solomon, i was fine with Chris, (when i thought he liked me too) i was ok with cory a while ago. Now i'm not, i wasn't ok with Alex Stewart, or jantzen, or jared... ooo oh yeah, i had a problem with john, and then i fixed that and then it was too late...

I could say that its a committment issue. i'd say i'm fine if they're pre-mi's because i don't have to worry about it, cause they'll be leaving... but Jared was a pre-mi and i still had that freaking freakout complex... Socorro remembers it.. don't you?

but all the other guys i was fine with.... though alex solomon wasn't a pre-mi, he's not going on one... i would have been fine anyway though... Maybe its because the ones that i have the freak out with were always right there... Karl was far away, and when we got out here we didn't date enough to figure anything out with that... Blake pretended he hated me, though i knew better, Alex was never around, and Chris, Chris had a girlfriend, and was doing his best not to hang out with me, but was anyway because we are just best friend material.

i guess i liked cory when i didn't realize he had a girlfriend, but he was kind of ignoring me. (because in reality he did have a girlfriend, but i didn't know that)

And bryan. we're not delving in to that..

too late

Bryan never said he liked me, in fact.. he said "laura, i don't like you, get over me' ....
and weston.... i never really kind of liked him at all before the mission, but have kind of fallen for him over the last couple of months through letters and pictures...

I just... i don't EVER want to tell someone i don't like them.... or even tell them no... i have a freaking hard time telling them no... i just don't want to do anything at the moment.. too much is happening. I'm not insensitive, or ignoring anyone.. trust me, they're on my mind most of the day... i just don't know how to communicate that to people.. Teal understands. I KNOW she understands, and Chris understands, he explained it all to me when i didn't understand it myself... What sucks, however, is just how beautiful he is.  That if I could just... KNOW that we'll go all the way, I'd do it in a heartbeat.  How much we click, how much we just... are.  


I give up... for now...

I'm sure many of you find that post entertaining, especially since it mentions your name....  and alot of you will recognize what this event was....  

*SIGH*  - June 3, 2008

Life is complicated. It always will be. My Book of Mormon teacher said "Life is a test, Deal with it." You aren't expected to get everything right the first time.
1. Socorro -
She and Karl are still getting married, on August 2nd. The thought is somewhere up the canyon. I saw the site, its pretty. And had some ideas for it. She's also working at target.
Untitled - July 7, 2008
So, today i made Brownies for Christopher. and his family.

You can't do Charity for someone with out learning to love
How do you tell them - Feb 27, 2009
How do you tell someone you're not crying wolf? When you semi cried it twice before.

I'm feverishly praying and fasting that I can get him to listen, and understand.
Urgh - March 5, 2009
Well, I left a flower on his bed. I hope he figures it out. He did that to me before christmas break, and i loved it, so i did it back. Well, I never would have come up with it myself, i think i had a little help with it. Yesterday I fasted. Never really fasted for anything like this before, but its important to me. I need to convince him i'm serious. But i don't know if i can do that, or even how, or if its even possible. Its worth it to try. And if I knew that someday i could do it, i'd keep trying.
I got a blessing last night too..... interesting information in that.

I'm writing some new songs. I wrote the one that's called "the wild horse song" several weeks ago, but haven't really worked on it. I went home last night, and cranked out Dark Angel (surprise) and i'm actually quite happy with it. I need to finish it though. This one is one i had no trouble writing.

in other worlds, I've worked hard and pushed to get a friend hired here at work, and it looks like its going to happen. YAY....... this is going to be an interesting rest of the year.

I'll have to tell my california story another time. I'm being bugged by my boss to

  P.S. Check out my 101 in 1001  and see how I'm doing!

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