Just so you know

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Just so you know

Dear you who is going through my blog looking for information about a certain person multiple days in a row.

Using a proxy server on the blog doesn't change that fact that I CAN STILL SEE YOU! Stalking: You're doing it wrong.   And I refuse to let you use my raw pain and stories against him.  If you have questions you can ask me.  Or you can ask him.  Googling his name is stalking.  Spending hours on this blog looking for him is stalking. #Bad.

I suggest you get a life. 

14 thoughts :

Anonymous said...

im actually doing it right. im finding out what people that know that person really think of him.

Laura said...

For what purpose?

Laura said...

Here's your answer. Other than bitches of ex girlfriends, most people, including me think he's awesome, loyal and really smart. Also one of the best out there. Take your answer and go.

Laura said...

All the real posts you want have been taken down.

Anonymous said...

why do you care so much what i read?

thats funny that you would post something publicly on the internet and not want people to read it.

Laura said...

Because people have used/misinterpreted/taken as law the raw data that gets put up here while in pain. And they've made his life a living hell with drama. And if you can guarantee that your interest is specualatory and not malicious, I'm not going to care.

But people have also utilized the raw data here and used it to make *my* life a living hell. Its public enough that people who know its there can find it.

Laura said...

I care about the intentions behind what you're doing. Not what you're reading.

And trust me. He's already been through enough.

Don't make it any worse.

Anonymous said...

if you care so much what people read or think why dont you write in a private journal or diary?

this is the internet and anything that you say about somebody especially if you include a real name is very easy to find. even more when his name is the tag or you put up his whole name. and if thats how you felt when you wrote it then thats the truth and you have no reason to take it down.

im sorry if it bothers you but i will read what i want to read. im not against you and im not trying to mess with you.

Laura said...

Most of the time I don't care what people read or think. Based on previous experience, the only time anyone takes that much interest in anything, its for their own selfish malicious purposes. And its happened before.

Its just a warning. Don't hurt him.

Laura said...

As for anything else, most of anything is said in the moment, and most of the time, is said while irrational. Take what you read with a grain of salt. And not law.

And trust me. I know how the internet works. Most people don't google others.

Anonymous said...

I somewhat shamefully admit that I'm a stalker. I collect blogs. So sorry. And I admit to living vicariously through yours. I'm an old friend of Chris Buttars and found your blog through his. But if you'd rather I didn't read, I won't. :)

Laura said...

@mostlyprobably By all means. Please. read. Its what its here for. Its just *not* here to be used in a manner to harm others. ^_^

Like I said. I don't care what people read, and I'm glad people enjoy it.

Chris Buttars has a blog?

Unknown said...

simmer down, kids! simmer down!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, "him" not "his." I think when you guys were dating he referred me to it or something. Anyway, I like your life. That's all.
