A Hike

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Hike

Soooo. This is actually the 2nd date. For the first date, we made telescopes that I purchased while Cory and I were dating, but we never got around to making them. Galileoscopes.  Supposed to be amazing for stargazing and stuff and they mimic the version Galileo used.    Then, Nathaniel disappeared for Thanksgiving.

Longest week of my life for a long time.

First of all, let me also point out this point of Nathaniel. He doesn't.  hm.  He's not connected to his phone like I am.  I keep my phone around so that *if* I'm contacted, I can reply.  I like being contacted.  I might not necessarily be continuing a conversation (like I used to) but I'll have it around. Twitternut.  Facebook Junkie.  Anyways. He doesn't.  I guess he keeps his phone on him out of habit.  But, its few and in between when I get a response back.  And while it bugs me when other people do that, (usually cause they're pretty quick to respond,) I've just accepted its a Nathaniel thing and he'll check his phone when he remembers.  (except for that one time at 6:30 in the morning, but that's another funny story).

**side note** I always notice I blog more when I'm working. Weird correlation.

So! Nathaniel is off doing stuff with other people! In Arizona for Thanksgiving. The amount of time I got to talk to him was next to nothing.  **sigh**  At the end of the week, he texted me asking if he could call me. (CALL ME!?) and we spoke.  He was starting up his thesis.  And would most likely be super unavailable for the next little while.  Most likely, the chance I was going to get to see him was the next Saturday.  And I was willing to support him in what he was wanting to do.  (And frankly, the amount of support that I felt towards him surprised me.  Really, it did.  His need to get things done outdid the desire to see him.  And people who know me know I love to see people. )

Thus began the 2nd longest week of my life.   I wanted to do something awesome for what I was calling our 2nd date.  He was into nature, I was into trying new things, and thought up the idea of doing a picnic in the middle of nature. About mid week, It was decided that I was allowed to come visit him in the lab, and I went to see where he has been hiding for days at a time.

Shortly after, I kind of convinced him to go to movie night which had been planned that night.  Scott Pilgrim vs the World. (this link you see here is a different blogpost. Read it.) Wonderful.  He hadn't seen the movie, and though he was only planning to stay for like half an hour, he, after watching the beginning stayed and watched the entire thing.  Partway through the movie, we found ourselves curled up next to each other on the beanbag.  ^_^

Outside the apartment before we had entered for SPvsTW, we had our first... well DTR in which it was explained to me that he had no idea what he was doing or what he wanted, and that because of his thesis, and his recent breakup, he didn't have the emotional energy to dedicate to making a decision. (which is fine, he's trying to put his life back together and get over the breakup that he went through)

Sooooooo Lets just say that I'm confused... but I was a happy confused?  After Scott Pilgrim, Donny and Nathaniel got into a wrestling fight, mostly cause Donny was trying to smother me, and well, Nathaniel jumped in.

Which lead to this: (someday when I'm not blocked from youtube, I'll embed that video into this post.  )

Everyone left, and it was me and kyle and Nathaniel....  and we watched youtube movies of excellence.  And I got a mini head massage.  And I got thanked muchly for dragging him out of the office.  I also made it so he couldn't focus for the rest of the week... apparently.

AND this totally was not what the blogpost was supposed to be about.  ANGSTY crap in my head is not what is supposed to happen here... But I dislike making posts that are super SUPER long. And this is a decent sized post.  So.....  Congrats audience, you have a new post to read.

0 thoughts :
