Tbbbbbbbbbth to you Too.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tbbbbbbbbbth to you Too.

One just has to keep holding on, and hope that things get better.  One of the things I've come to learn about myself is i need to not react so quickly, I always make mistakes, get my feelings hurt, or hurt someone else. 

I'm outside again, reading, again. 3rd time this week,  Weird huh?  There's a picture somewhere on this blog page that shows the view from where i'm sitting, but i have no idea where this app on my tablet will put it.  its just... sitting there off the screen.  But yes, outside. 

Its time for me to start doing the "I'm looking forward to" posts specifically so I get out of my weird grump. 

July 30 - Lagoon with the fam.
August 9th - Get my braces off
August 17 - Sister gets married
August 18 - I move
August 26-28 PAX in SEATTLE
Oct 19 - 24  NEW YORK AND DC

Lets hope I stay busy enough to forget about how I can and have failed in the past.  Moving will be good, I don't need the reminders. 

oh, and i have a tan line.  iz on my shoulders. 

0 thoughts :
