[Change Looming on the Horizon]

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

[Change Looming on the Horizon]

"Adderall is a brand-name psychostimulant medication composed of racemic amphetamine aspartate monohydrate, racemic amphetamine sulfate, dextroamphetaminesaccharide, and dextroamphetamine sulfate, which is thought by scientists to work by increasing the amount of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain"
In other words, it fixes a chemical imbalance in my head which causes me to get distracted, tired, be unmotivated, and hyperactive.

It also removes my appetite and dries out my mouth.

However, with new motivation, here's what my new projects and what I'm up to:

  • School.  Yes, I'm still in school.  Surprisingly.  Every so often I'll get this depressing feeling that I can't accomplish anything, and from there, have a break down.  Thank goodness for Kristen and Cory who continue to convince me otherwise.  
  • Russian- Things are coming along in Russian.  I'm not grasping it as well as I'd like, and I'm picking up some tutors. 
  • Fencing - Somehow, I made the National Female Fencing team for my area.  Somehow.... I think that my instructor sees something in me that I can't, seeing as I'm so clumsy. 
  • I'm applying around to be an online writer for some areas...  The Examiner is one place I'm applying for, hopefully to get a niche. 
  • The site is being redone... not sure how its going to look, but I'm pushing towards a more technical place...  I may pull a 2nd blog out and start that, but I have such a fondness for Kikastrophe.  I might keep Kikastrophe as a journal, and have a new nickname for the other one, but Kikastrophe is linked to my twitter, my facebook, my flicker, my 4square, my blog, my Xbox live....  Its me...  
  • I'm most likely starting up a collaborative blog with my new manager, some kind of tech center. 
  • I'm starting a Picture a day 365 thing.... i'll be up on flicker, and I'll let you know when that's up. 
  • I've actually started writing a book.  My book is finally being written down.  Many of you have heard the synopsis, and have given opinions, and now, I'm going to write it....   
  • I'm rewriting the 1001 in 101 because it was written at a time I was working and had money to do stuff. This time, it will be more goal oriented, and not experience oriented.  
Yeah, Ok.  We will see how this works out. 

  P.S. Check out my 101 in 1001  and see how I'm doing!

1 thoughts :

N. said...

I attempted a picture a day for 365 days, challenge. I almost want to try to do it again, but I'm not quite sure.

And Russian? That's just plain awesome. I am tempted to learn it just so I can pull off a skit on how my name is Natalia, and that I was adopted from Russia. It would be more believable if I could actually speak it, ya know?
