Just cause.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Just cause.

I very much doubt that you remember me. I was the one RM who came into your freshman ward at BYU winter semester. We met once in the dorms, I mentioned some board/card game (Munchkin?) and you said that you play it and we should get together some time. You friended me on Facebook that day, and for some reason we never really talked after that. I kept you on my friends list however because we share a lot of interests (video games and tech/geek culture) and I enjoyed your posts.
In the past few months where you've been very open with your struggles with Borderline Disorder, I've learned quite a bit. I don't have anything particularly insightful or helpful to tell you right now, but I felt like I should tell you that you are a daughter of God who has great worth and, were I still living in Utah, I believe that we would be friends.
Also, I just finished reading the post you wrote to your future husband. I've been married for 3 years now and it has been the best thing that ever happened to me. Don't stop trying to find him. He's out there, and he's looking for you too.
Take care and stay awesome,Shane Henriksen

P.S. No response to this is necessary, though it would be welcome. Just something I felt like passing along.

I'll never stop looking.   

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