New Quote Board

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New Quote Board

Kristen: I like her red dress.  Mostly because its Red. And its a dress.

Me: I have a valentines present for you.
Donny: Is it a .... woman?

Taylor: Laura, you weren't thinking in the box. You weren't even in the factory.  You were out in the northern city somewhere.

Me: Lets play one more round of wackee 6 and then we will install 7 wonders on the carpet.

Laura: I'm a hologram!
Justin: Then go inhabit some random construct and make me a sandwich.

Me: You secretly love me.
Donny: I think I openly love you.  & I hate you sometimes.
Justin: He does that openly too.

Me: Donny smothered me cause I said Uterus.
Justin: when was this?
Me: That time I said "HELP JUSTIN! He's smothering me!"

Donny: I'm so glad that light didn't fall on me cause I would have killed you with the glass shards embedded in my arm.

Justin: I'm in a room with americans trying to pronounce Japanese names.

Donny: oh. he accidentally the hair.

Donny: Congratulations on deficating cat, my salutations to you and your kin.

Me: We should lock cat in a room to play.
Donny: No, we should duct tape cat to Xander.

Donny: oooook.  You need to be less alive, and more on fire.

Danny: Aren't you glad you have your own minstrel?

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