
Friday, January 06, 2012


Dear Readers, 

[insert how are you's and things are good yadda yadda]
After having a conversation with Nathaniel, it was decided that several of the posts should be pulled for the time being.   (Why the heck is my default color this green thing? ) K. Better.  Now, this is based on a number of reasons, but none of which is because I did anything wrong. I do hope and expect that some of these posts to go back up.  This does not mean I'm not willing to share the stories.  If you missed them, contact me, and I'll give you a slightly modified version of them.  Or I'll explain in person.   We have no issues sharing them. We're going to work through a couple things, and then hopefully they'll be back up soon.  

[insert, hope everything is wonderful, let me know how you are]
[Not sure what to put here cause I'm not thanking, or asking anything just alerting], 


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