Favorite moments

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Favorite moments

Disclaimer - Statements made might not be entirely accurate. My brain became fuzzy after a while.  What was said doesn't actually matter.  

At some point I'm going to go back and write about the first 2 dates I had with Nathaniel.  But, I wanted to share this.

This occurred during the 2nd date.  Lets... fastforward - hikingsnowhikingcampingfreezing.. Shelter. Okay.  Basically, it got too cold to hike back, so we built a mini burrito shelter out of sleeping bags we had brought while we were 'chilling' up there. (sorry, I got the puns from Nathaniel.) Okay. Warning. The next few paragraphs will sound like twilight.

So here we are bundled up in this sleeping bag shelter. He's laying on his back, with his head on a makeshift pillow, and I'm next to him, on my stomach.  (There is no like. Sexuality or like.. kissing involved here, we were just talking. )  And the top of our little burrito was behind his head so we had some light.  And I randomly made the comment: "Your face is lit by moonlight" and then chuckled to myself a little and made mention that it was a very twilight-y comment.  And he chuckled and said: Well, my roommate used to have a copy of twilight and would randomly open it to any page and start reading out loud in a deep voice when ever people came over." And then he mimicked it: "And his FREEZING COLD HAND touched her face and she shivered" and I was laughing at it.  And explained from the book that it really was like that, but that Stephanie Meyer writes in a way that girls relate to, and said, "If the hand isn't freezing, more like lightly cold, then its really pleasant on the face and skin and stuff." and he was like: "girls think like that?" And I started explaining: "I just know its pleasant, I'm not constantly thinking of what would be pleasant." I got as far as "not constantly" when a different look appeared on his face, and he brought his bare hand up by my ear and traced my jaw line and then brushed up along my cheek.  It forced me to shut up, cause yes, it was pleasantly cool.  When I opened up my eyes again, he had an amused expression on his face and brought his other hand up to cup the other side of my face, and held it there.  And for an undefined time, we just... were.


1 thoughts :

Unknown said...

Now your blog is sounding like Twilight with all the obvious sexual tension.
