[My Friends]

Thursday, May 27, 2010

[My Friends]

Ok, the main reason I'm posting this is a certain conversation.   But I put some easter eggs at the end, for people who like sheer randomness.

Kristen Giles
I don't have a topic to talk about! what do I talk about if I have no topic?!

Alex Solomon
Power to the singles indeed!

Cory Grant

Laura Crystal Wilkinson
one my one, the penguins are driving me insane...

Laura Crystal Wilkinson
* one by one

Cory Grant
Your one? Or *you're* one? Eep, she's turning penguin.

Alex Solomon
I want her! I need a pet penguin, anyway.

Cory Grant
Would she live in your fridge?

Alex Solomon
No. My basement. I'd turn it into a penguin habitat. It would be called, Laura-arctic Circle! You can get smoothies there, too.

Kristen Giles
Oo, I'll come!

Alex Solomon
No! No smoothie for you!

Cory Grant
For me? Please? I'll bring fruits!

Alex Solomon
... okay. But I not happy about it!

Kristen Giles
:( I want a smoothie...

Laura Crystal Wilkinson
and because laura lives there.. i'd get all the smoothies i want ^^

Cory Grant
You have to contribute something. It's all about the bargaining.

Kristen Giles
Not necessarily... Alex might put them up high where you can't reach them. You are a penguin, after all.

Alex Solomon
Well, Laura. Penguins don't like smoothies. They like raw fish...

Cory Grant
So we should be asking Laura for smoothies?

Laura Crystal Wilkinson
you can ask me.. though i don't know how much longer i'll be living there if i don't get smoothies... i AM the queen of the multiverse.

Kristen Giles
Laura doesn't have smoothies... she has fish.

Cory Grant
I don't know if penguins can be queens of multiverses.

Alex Solomon
Can it be that we've finally removed Laura from the throne?

Laura Crystal Wilkinson
nope... sorry dudes....

Alex Solomon
grrr. We tried... But it looks like our plan failed.

Alex Solomon
Well, regardless, It doesn't change the fact that you lose.

Tiffany Ray
I'm not in a relationship either!
And what if *I* want Laura Penguin? I love penguins! And I would give you guys free smoothies :D

Alex Solomon
NO! SHE'S MINE! *slap*

Cory Grant
I think there's only one Laura penguin . . . pretty sure, in fact.

Alex Solomon
There is, and I already claimed her! The only way I can lose her is if she chooses to go with someone else.

To Laura: I has a smoothie for you...

Tiffany Ray
ALEX!? Did you just *slap* me!?

Alex Solomon
No! Shhhh! I didn't mean to!

Tiffany Ray

Tiffany Ray

Cory Grant
It was an eSlap! Thus eAbuse.

Alex Solomon
Get your terminology right!

Tiffany Ray
Cyber bullying! Did everyone see that? It happened! I'm calling my lawyer!

Alex Solomon
You mean, your eLawyer.

Cory Grant
You mean your eLawyer? The RIAA has lots of them.

Cory Grant
Great minds think alike!

Tiffany Ray
Yes, and I will eSue you!

Cory Grant
I eObject!

Tiffany Ray
CORY!? You're find with Alex's eAbusing me!?

Alex Solomon
I ethank Cory. That was a emoment of sheer ebrilliance.

Now, back to the ecase.

Kristen Giles
I'm on Tiff's side!! So I bring Chris with me!

Alex Solomon
So... it seems we have an ebattle to settle.

Tiffany Ray
Yay! I have eKristen and eChris! At least I have *some* friends who are elooking out for me ewell-being

Kristen Giles
Oh yes, of course. ^__^

Tiffany Ray
K, I'm eSueing you eAlex of your cheeseburger and your Laura Penguin!

Alex Solomon
But... I want my cheeseburger...

Kristen Giles
Nope! No cheeseburger for you!

Tiffany Ray
You're too eAbusing to have a cheeseburger and a Laura Penguin

Alex Solomon
Okay, I'll give you the cheeseburger. Just don't take the Laura Penguin.

Tiffany Ray
Today at 12:56pm
After you eAbused me I'm not sure any eJudge would give you custody over a Laura Penguin

Alex Solomon
Today at 12:57pm
But, I never hurt the Laura Penguin. I never have.

Tiffany Ray
Today at 12:58pm
But you ehurt me! How do we know who'll be next?

Alex Solomon
Today at 12:59pm
I don't have a record of eabusing the Laura Penguin. Also, you tried to take it away from me.

Tiffany Ray
* GASP! * Now you're refering to Laura Penguin as an "it"!? Your cruelty knows no bounds

Alex Solomon
Now you're just shooting in the dark...

Tiffany Ray
that doesn't matter to me as long as I still hit my target :)

Alex Solomon
The eJudge won't tolerate this sort of behavior.

Tiffany Ray
which is why you're going to eJail for abusing me

Alex Solomon
You tried to coax my penguin from me! I was defending her.

Laura Crystal Wilkinson
oh... wow

Alex Solomon
Like how we're fighting over you?

Tiffany Ray
Coaxing, isn't against any laws, your eattack was no form of defense, and therefore abuse on me. I'm afriad you'll have to go to eJail

Alex Solomon
You're right, but on the other hand, what kind of owner would you be if you're willing to coax a pretty little penguin like Laura? That throws some serious doubt on your ecase.

Tiffany Ray
You were coaxing too - you're point is moot

Alex Solomon
Look, this is getting ridiculous. How about we ask Laura.

To Laura: If you had to choose between the two of us ONLY which you would rather have as an owner, which would it be?

Tiffany Ray
That's not the reason I'm eSueing you, you eslapped me!

Alex Solomon
Well, you scratched my eyes and throat out before because I said I didn't have chocolate. That seems like a very illegitimate excuse to me!

Laura Crystal Wilkinson
Simply... Stephanie.... she was sharing her smoothies....
besides.. you eslapped her

Tiffany Ray

Alex Solomon
*gasp* I'm... devastated... right in the heart...

Kristen Giles
So, does steph own the Laura Penguin now and is alex going to eJail?

Laura Crystal Wilkinson
oh wimp.. you SO knew what the answer was going to be.. you were selfishly hogging me from the rest of the world..... I am a beautiful, benevolent penguin to be shared with EVERYONE!

Alex Solomon
... I can't believe I was so greedy... I must end my life now... Company policy.

Laura Crystal Wilkinson
and that's how the ecase was settled.... by the epenguin


Laura Crystal Wilkinson
June 23 at 1:54pm
my portfolio says i know pidgin? is THAT why you wanted me?

Cory Grant

No, it was 'cause you were a penguin. Does he *need* more reason?

Laura Crystal Wilkinson
 yes.. if i was an ugly penguin.... so there

Cory Grant
You're an ugly penguin? Why would you do that to yourself?


**  I just DIED LAUGHING.   NO JOKE. ** 

Christopher: Aperture Science
We do what we must, because we can.
Kristen: no, not again.
Christopher: oh, come on!
*does a peppy dance to encourage continuation of the lyrics *
Laura: for the good of all of us?
Christopher: well, yeah, except the ones who are dead...
*starts crying *
Cory: . . .
Christopher: *prods Cory *
Laura: Chris..... there's no sense crying over their mistakes...
just ... keep on trying... There's still cake.
Christopher: *sighs with relief *
Well, let's get the science done.
Heck, let's make a neat gun!
Laura: so we can save all the people! at least.. the ones still alive.
Christopher: Yup!
*does dance and vigorously hums his own musical interlude *
*vigor of his dance makes him accidentally whack Laura in the face *
Gah, sorry!
Laura: I'm not angry..... * has sincerity in her voice *
even though you broke my ears with your musical interlude and whacked me in the face.
Christopher: oh.
Well, look at it on the bright side. At least I didn't tear you to pieces and throw every piece into a fire.
Kristen somehow I knew this would happen.
Laura: CHRIS! try this cake.. its great! its delicious and moist!
* hands chris cake *
Christopher: Sorry, can't talk. There's science to do.
Laura: hahaha... i'm glad i'm not you.
Christopher: hey, it's not that bad. I've experiments to run, and there's research to be done.
... it's a livin'.
Laura: you're still trying to save those people who are still alive?
nah.. they aren't worth it.
Christopher: Well, your mom wasn't worth it.

As Seen on this picture: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/photo.php?pid=36663593&id=17817574&ref=mf

Alex Solomon
Here is Cory's eulogy.

Cory was an... interesting person. He made us laugh occasionally, and once he even gave me a taco, so he's good in my book. But we lost him to... whatever it was that killed him. He didn't die an epic death like Kristen or more importantly, me, but I'm sure he did something. Hence, he is dead. Let us have a moment of silence for his rather average death.


Okay. lunch time. Someone better have brought cake. I love cake!

Christopher Bruce Knorr
Nope no cake. Only pie.

Tiffany Ray
Chocolate cake!

Laura Crystal Wilkinson
so how are we bringing him back?

Alex Solomon
Who said anything about bringing him back? We have PIE!

Xander Hacking
June 20 at 2:08pm
Hey, since Alex has apparently become the priest of the squad, can I be the squad Ninja?

Alex Solomon
June 20 at 2:08pm
The priest? I am no priest!

Tiffany Ray
June 20 at 2:09pm
I probably havn't seen it then

Cory Grant
**Kneels** Father Solomon, forgive me for I have sinned. It has been years since my last confession . . . and I need to buy some more indulgences.

Xander Hacking
you keep handling the eulogies

Tiffany Ray

Ninja's can handle eulogies - duh!

Alex Solomon
June 20 at 2:11pm
*Slaps Cory*

Get up and find you're indulgences.

For more amazing ness you can read here

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