[A bout of random frustration]

Friday, March 12, 2010

[A bout of random frustration]

Haven’t you caused enough harm? Get out of my dreams, and stay out of my life. Stop. Following. Me. I see you in a crowd, driving down the street, in my lecture hall. I smell you and turn to look, but you’ve fled.Coward. Why are you doing this? Did you not get enough satisfaction from denying me that which I loved the most? Have you come to gloat? No? Then what? I’m tired of your [bs]; I’m tired of your lies. Just leave me alone. The clock upon the wall has somersaulted far too many times to count since you last made me smile, so why do you continue to plague me with your deceit? I am accustomed to nightmares, but this is simply outrageous. I hear our song on the radio, my fingers trace the chords on my new guitar like scars on new skin, my lips whisper the words that I thought meant more and the force with which I detest you battles with how much I miss you. I hate to love you and I love to hate you. Why are you doing this to me?

I stole that from Elizabeth.

It was written perfectly.

Today, my day was filled with "this is how you create this task", or "no you're doing it wrong" or even "mysql -u root -p"  that was cool. Someday, i will know all unix and linux commands for a terminal bash, and i will be cool.

But, as I worked hard and almost got something completely done all by myself, my manager steps in and fixes everything... and its all ruined now!

And it sucks that he smells good too.  I wanna know what he wears...but that's not something you ask your male manager....

Why am I not out on a friday night? because I'm a female CS nerd, whom no one ever asks out.  Every guy I'm interested in, either is dating someone else, or only wants to make out with me... sad.. I know.

This presents a problem.

1 thoughts :

Anonymous said...

I know someone that knows Unix and Linux very well. He is a guy too! Any guesses who?
