
Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Wow.. when i stated that i was going to be updating this more often.... sheesh

So. What's up? i'm in the Branbury with such FUN roommates...holy crap they are so cool! I got my calling in the ward after only being there for an hour... That's what i get for bearing my Testimony :D. I'm on the enrichment committee AGAIN! And this is coming from the girl who doesn't like relief society. There's too much love and caring going on in one room...

i got a cell phone, and.. OH yeah, lots of stuff have happened...

so you look back at older posts where i was complaining about my computer. I contacted them AGAIN for the like 8th time about another over heat problem.. (you'd think i have something to do with it since they have already replaced my mother board.) and they told me they'd send me a new system!!!! so i was fully expecting another inspiron E1705/9400, with xp and etc. And they upgraded my model!
its a vostro 1700. Their newest model!
and its black!!!!!
and it has a numpad!!!!!
ANd it has 20 more gigs of disk space!!!!!!
and .2 GHZ faster!!!!!
and 3 hours more battery!!!!!!

its amazing.

So here's where it gets bad. I purchased a 500 GB hard drive from Seagate, and was copying EVERYTHING from my old computer onto it. It went just fine. well, i accidentally knocked it over... not off the desk, not off of anything, it just fell on its side on the desk... and DIED. 100GB of my life went with it! Seagate was going to try to recover the data for 1800 - 2400 dollars. Its just not worth it. We cracked open the case, and we found out that the platters are loose. So my dad's going to give it a whack.

129 days *dances* approximately till Bryan gets back *giggles* I'm so sososossosososososossososososososossososososo Freaking excited. i have totally TOTALLY been writing everyone, every chance i get! i'm sending out packages this month too.. its Bryan's and Weston's Birthdays this month.

OH! and weston's family has moved out to utah. I found that out from his dad yesterday.

well.. that's it kind of for now. Hopefully with work slowing down, i'll be able to post more often on here... not that anyone reads it.

Laugh, Smile and Always BE HAPPY!

0 thoughts :
