[A Place]

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

[A Place]

I have a place to be now after work when everyone is off doing stuff.

I hop into Mumble.  Its a low-latency VoIP client.  Aaaand there's usually 4 guys chilling in there as well.  Rick and I have been spending alot of virtual time together, and these are his friends.  And we sit and chat in here for several hours playing games like League of Legends.  Now I've been encouraged to download Tera, and Natural Selection 2 because they *want* me to play with them.  These guys created new accounts on LoL to carry me through while I was leveling.

One of them is giving me their old desktop, which, while talking to Kendrick, is comparable to his, and in most ways better.  Which means more gaming power.


Me: Lets just play a ranked game.
Everyone: noooo you don't want to do that, its rough.
Me: how better to learn than be thrown in by the fire?
Matix: Laura, how do you have such a positive attitude about everything?


Rick *over IM*: Its so nice to see you happy and laughing again.
Me: Its that noticeable?
Rick: mmmhmmmm

Guys, its happening :D

1 thoughts :

Anonymous said...

its a cycle. just wait for it.
