Night 1

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Night 1

Time to catch you all up.
About a week ago I recieved a message on Facebook from this guy, Nathaniel.   He randomly had accepted my friend request.. (wha?) and was trying to figure out where he knew me.

*scramblescramble* *digs through facebook*can't quite figure out where I added him from. Or why. Typically my reason was that he was cute, and I found him through someone elses profile.  maybe?
I responded back with my typical, "You seemed familiar, I think we have mutual friends" answer, to which he started digging through his past to figure out where he knew me from. What caught my attention in his message is his "You look like an interesting character." was the first thing I got from him.

After discussing a bit with him, I decided he looked like David Tennant (the 10th doctor, Dr. Who) and decided for the heck of it, that we should be friends.  At this time, I had interest levels in Eric, Karl's old roommate.  I had mentioned to Nathaniel that my friends and I regularly put together movie and game nights, and that he was more than welcome to come to them.  (I feel the need to mention here, that I was frightened at that prospect that Eric and Nathaniel show up at the same event. Mostly cause I wasn't completely sold on Eric, and I like meeting new guys, especially cute ones. Call me shallow)  But lo and behold, Eric was unavailable  and oddly silent for the past week, and I went ahead and told Nathaniel he was welcome to come to our movie night. 

The night before was strange. I was invited by Christopher to a group activity on the same night as movie night, and I was torn because it had been a long time since I had been invited to anything regarding that group, and my efforts to disengage from them were tearing me apart.  But I had already agreed for a different night. 

Little note here, long story short.  Drama. Group. Drama.  Group split between me and other friend. And I keep losing the battles it seems.  So, in an effort to re-engage my social life, and stop watching all my friends be friends without me, I started talking with Karl and Socorro again, which led me to reconsider several people from the dorms, like Justin, who seemed to have an uncanny ability to understand what I was going through, or at least sympathize.  This led me to meet his friend Elisabeth.  Who through twitter happenings came to several movie nights that I started planning again once I got myself up out of my depression.  From there, I pulled Donny in from the other group, and Kyle from the dating site, (another cool story) and put together a new group of friends, which occasionally pulled other people from other places like Stephen, or Brandy or Jayden. Etc. This also led to explosions on twitter, and I found myself laughing again.    Anyways, we started setting up a movie night a week. Amidst all the homework, we'd meet up at kyles and watch a movie, and this movie night was to be the 2nd of them.

okay.  Back to story.  Where was i... contacted by Christopher. K. So, Justin contacts me telling me that its actually elisabeths birthday, and that he and donny were getting together to make a cake, and that donny had managed to get work off.  I turned the whole thing into a surprise party.  Coaxing a little bit of manipulative tweets in, i helped make it look like Donny or Justin wouldn't be attending the movie night. 

On wednesday night,  I contacted Nathaniel describing how the plan was going to work, and mentioned he was going to be thrown into a surprise party, and asked if that was okay, which he said he was okay with.  I told him to show up at kyles at 9 and we'd be there to decorate the place around that time.

So, this entire day, I'm playing through Halo anniversary, with my 2 youngest sisters hiding under blankets as I'm working my way through the game.  Every time I died was a treat to watch them giggle, and my proclamations of NOOOOOOOOOO at the TV made them cackle.  I was planning on showing up at 9, but I get a text from Donny stating that he was going to pick me up at 7 and i was going to bake with them.  So I hop in the shower and barely make it out in time when Donny shows up, leaving me to grab my blow dryer, straighener, hair products and make up to take them to Justins while they make cakes. 

The entire evening there was just... laughter, from me being smothered by Donny, and me blasting him in the face with a hairdryer. Also, funny was Donny and Justin trying to figure out if they should make the altitude kind or not, and Justin's lack of flower.   Also:

Me: You secretly love me.
Donny: I think I love you very openly.  I also hate you sometimes.
justin: He also does that very openly. 

Anyways, i attempted to contact nathaniel, to suggest maybe he should come to Justin's place so he wasn't thrown into a birthday party.  Which I recieved back a text telling me he was at Jujitsu. (Jujitsu...  he's a ninja!)  and he would just meet us at 9 at kyles.  After pulling out our cake, it looked funny.  Until we figured out that Justin's oven is actually leaning, which caused the cake to be lopsided. 


At about 9, we get out to the car and book it to Kyles.  We still have to decorate the cake and the house, and donny, after telling me that he wasn't a cake decorator, put me in charge of the cake.  As we walked in, I laid eyes on nathaniel.  I wish I had taken more time to actually see him, but time was short, and we were expecting elisabeth in 15 minutes.  He had longish style hair, I guess which immediately reminded me of Cory, and was wearing a shirt with a bird on it cut bisected to reveal a kiwi interior, stating that the bird was a kiwi bird.  I started decorating the cake and nathaniel helped decorate the house. 
Elisabeth didn't show up for another hour, actually, so we all sat and talked a bit.  Several of us had epic shirts on, I myself was wearing one of my portal shirts, and Donny was wearing a firefly reference shirt.  I also managed to find a piano and played it for a little while.  Everything was happening at a surface level, we didn't know when she was going to show up and we weren't going to get super involved in something just in case. 
We finally got the word that she was coming, and I started lighting the candles, which, was a little premature.  As you'll see in the video.

So, we kind of got to the point where we could start the movie.  At one point Nathaniel and I were semi sharing the love sac trying to prevent donny from getting in it.  When we all had sat down, I mentioned to people that this was the david tennant look alike, and when people couldn't see it, he pulled glasses out and put them on... and i did a double take.  (some people know my views of guys with glasses.)  I cannot explain the sudden resemblence to Nik, (the imaginary boyfriend, see earlier blogposts) that I saw when he put his glasses on.  and then I could see it when his glasses came off again, I just hadn't looked closely enough.  And I had this weird... feeling concerning him, I wanted to get to know him, why? i didn't know.  And through out the movie, I was texting justin about the weirdness of this.  I even moved to Justin's side and pulled up the blogpost which had a picture in it, of what I saw of Nik.  Justin kept telling me it was coincidental, and that its not possible for people to match up to random ideas of perfect boys in my head. 
And you know.. I kind of agreed with him. I've pulled the "ITS NIK" moment before when someone shares a random characteristic.  And you know, its possible that *I* don't even know what Nik is like since his face has warped so much since the original .    As we watched the movie, I found myself watching him, semi curious about this boy.  Not because of Nik thingy, but because.. well, of this weird feeling that was forming.  I found myself listening to him speak so t I stopped doing other things when he spoke.  Even the many processes in my head quit when he spoke. I had decided I liked his voice, and it reminded me of Col. Mustang's voice from Fullmetal Alchemist.  A voice that I told everyone while I was watching it, that I liked. 
Shortly after most everyone left, I had made mention that I had something SQL-ish to do for a job Interview, and he perked up saying that he had done SQL and could help, in which he and Justin got into a big computer programming discussion thing.  Listening to him speak again, I figured out that this person was really smart, he was just modestly hiding it.  Something I do similarly.  I tend to be intimidating when I seem to know answers to everything, or know something about everything, and it comes off as annoying.  When I found a break in the conversation I asked what his major was, and he replied that he was a Computer Science student (#win) and that he was actually getting his masters (#morewin) specifically in a branch of CS called Bioinformatics, or enviroinformatics.   Which, jokingly, I turned to Justin and mentioned Theoretical Astrophyics to him, making a Nik joke. in asking him what he wanted to do with that degree, he mentioned that he wanted to do stuff with computers, he just wanted to do things in nature with them.  I found myself grinning like an idiot when he said it, whether because he was smiling as he was discussing it, or I really liked his ideas.  And I remember thinking. "why am I smiling??? what the heck?" but underlying that was another feeling of "That's him." which I didn't have a clue where it came from and I immediately dismissed it.  A little later, he took off, and for a little time after, found myself thinking curiously about him, and the weird feeling I had behind it.  Psh. I've been crazy before. 

1 thoughts :

Anonymous said...

You make me sound so cynical... :(
I didn't insist it was coincidental; I believe my comments were more along the lines of 'it's unlikely, but not unheard of.'
