[Things I think about]

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

[Things I think about]

I pulled this from a blog I came across - Trace your steps.

It depics part of my life well.  And something I continually think about. Someday, I want my kids to know there are people like this out there.  And that I was lucky enough to find one.

I met her many, no, just a few years back. She identified me as someone she's seen before, but I have never seen her in my life. We laughed, we jogged, and we talked. She soon became my "bestest friend," and I, to her as well. I never had a female best friend before..

Usually I would've kept my distance from a girl, but she was different. She was willing to listen, and was willing to tell me what was on her mind. I really liked that. I always tried to find the best answers for her. I read books and I contemplated her problems like they were my own. No friend of mine ever had so much trust in me.

But what I was mostly thankful for, was the fact that she was eager to listen.
Ignorance was what I feared the most. Before I met her, I was the quiet kid in the corner, with his head down on his desk, that no one would approach. That year, for some reason, I decided to speak up; and she was the one who listened..  (*cough CALCULUS cough *)

she was the only one who tried to understand me. That endeavour alone was beautiful to me. Because not even I, fully understand myself.

As she listened, others listened as well. I got into hip hop and writing as soon as I saw that people were listening and that they were appreciating what I was doing.

We shared music and inside jokes. She loved my writing and she was eager to read more.

I always of thought her as a star that God had sent to become my friend, to fill the missing void. She was always there to fill the emptiness; the cold dusty room.
She also introduced me to God, more in depth than I have ever been.

This star had been filling the cold dusty room of mine with warmth and colours. I loved the years that followed, as I, still to this day, make frequent mental visits to my fond memories.

I really did love her.

However, without realizing, we were slowly drifting apart from one another.

Going into senior grades, marks and school really mattered to her. Not to mention her popularity at school from boys.

Some of my best friends even asked me for advice to get close to her. If she seemed like she was interested in him as well..well, I would act like a catalyst.

Our conversations got shorter and repetitive. She no longer shared much about herself with me. I never understood why.

I was categorized as just a friend, and for some reason, this really made me feel uncomfortable. Forcing conversations that led to an awkward end. She no longer wanted to take walks, and she no longer talked the way she did.

she was closer with other guy friends of mine, that I, for some reason got jealous.

She no longer was eager to read my writing.

Its great, the fact that she's good friends with my friends, but I don't know. As she began to talk them more frequently, I kind of felt like my bestest friend was being stolen. Foolish of me to think so.

I tried to compensate for my jealousy by meeting with other girls and what not.
But none of them even tried to understand me; merely said that they did.

I always seemed to be coming back to home base.

I want to listen now. I really miss the old us.

I really want her to take my hand. I know she wants to push her limits, but I want her to rely on me at times. Every superhero needs a side-kick.

I still want to be her bestest friend ever.

  P.S. Check out my 101 in 1001  and see how I'm doing!

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