
Monday, July 30, 2012


Now that I see the empathy problem it makes sense.... but I'm crawling around looking and manipulating people into giving me empathy.  How do I make it internally?  Is it something made because of self image and self esteem? How?  HOW?  I will not have the key to be happy if I can't figure this out.  I'm... like... an empathy vampire.  *is unhappy*


  1. You won't ever be happy because you're addicted to the emotional pain of others. Its all you live for.

  2. Anonymous seems to be speaking from personal experience, hoping to lure Laura into the trap it has laid so it can feed off her pain and feel "whole". How ironic and hypocritical you are behind your digital shell, Anon. I would pity you, but alas, I'm fresh out for the day.

  3. *SIGH* Guys... I love you all for supporting Laura, but we're FEEDING this anon exactly what he wants to be fed: Attention. Chances are, yes he does know Laura personally, and chances are that he has some imagined slight against him coming from Laura. It seems that whatever is going on, he's bitter. Bitterness typically comes from a feeling of unfairness being pushed on oneself from someone or something. So it's not hard to see what's causing his constant complaining and spouting off of irrational anger.

    Just love Laura instead of hating this Anon, ok? Reaffirm to Laura that you love her. That is what she needs.

    But... do what you feel is right. I cannot say what is right for another person anymore than anyone else can.

