[Soap box]

Sunday, May 09, 2010

[Soap box]

Wherefore, it burdeneth my soul that I should be constrained, because of the strict commandment which I have received from God, to admonish you according to your crimes, to enlarge the wounds of those who are already wounded, instead of consoling and healing their wounds; and those who have not been wounded, instead of feasting upon the pleasing word of God have daggers placed to pierce their souls and wound their delicate minds. 

If you find someone who is hurt, or already hurting, DON'T SIT THERE AND BREAK OPEN THE WOUNDS THAT ARE TRYING TO HEAL!

Goodness people.  

I don't know why people do that.  I know what its like.  I still have someone who has made it their life's mission to tear me apart, spend hours on the blog looking for ways to hurt me, and I don't even know her. (yes, i know its her... )

Once upon a time, everyone and their dog decided to tell me that Cory was in a relationship.  

I know 2 people out there that are hurting.  And have people who decide to murder spirits, break hearts, tear them apart, and just as they're picking up the pieces, smash and stomp on them. In a relationship that ends, both people hurt.  Not just one.  Just because one person got their heart hurt, doesn't mean the other didn't either.  Listening to one side of the story doesn't mean that that's the perfect story. OF COURSE they aren't going to tell you what THEY did to the other person.  They just want your pity and help getting through their own problems not those they created.  

Oh, and P.S. Just because I blog in silence of the things that happened between me and my Ex boyfriend does NOT mean that I take all the fault/blame, it means I respect him enough not to share it. 

My Goodness.. Do people get joy out of watching people be torn apart? and knowing they're the cause? Its about the most unChristlike thing you can do out there.  Love one another.  

Good luck at judgement day people.  

*gets off soapbox*


  1. Hey there.
    You won't find my IP Address on your little IP address follower thingy, because I've blocked it.
    I heard from a source that you were talking about me on your blog, so I checked it out.
    You did this yourself. You messaged me, and you tried to be all cutesy and nice. L, would you like to know that moments before you saw him at the round-about, he was kissing me? Because he was.
    Christ-Like wouldn't be blogging about someone you don't know, judging them, and then claiming that they're going to have a tough "Judgment day". You don't know me, and I don't know you. You're probably wonderful, amazing, smart, and beautiful; but I don't think I'll ever know that while on earth. I know that we each have trials on this earth, and that some things don't make sense. Sometimes they seem unfair. I had a best friend who is on his mission. I was willing to wait til the ends of TIME to be with him, until he tore me apart. I don't talk to him anymore and I still hurt from what he did, but I sure as hell don't blame him for anything aside from what he said to me while he was in the MTC. He stood on his own soap box.

    Do you know what happens when you stand on your soap box? You're targeted for being everything that you're blaming others for. It's an automatic "I think I'm better than the people I'm talking at". I don't think that most people realize how little others care about what people who DO stand on soap boxes say.

    Don't talk about me. Didn't you and Cory end 8 months ago? Creeper much!

    BTW, he always takes the Round-about slowly (That's what you do so your car doesn't roll over), and he ALWAYS takes the first left to get home.

    "You will always expect the worst of others, what's really the worst in yourself."
    Basically you think of others as having the same mind-set as you. You're just weird, and obsessive.

    And that's all! Keep blogging, and keep mentioning Cory and Me. I'd say not to, but I know you will anyways.

    I kinda like that there's nothing more interesting in your life, than two people you don't even talk to. It's actually quite sad.

  2. Dear Natalia,
    I have mentioned you 2 times and have not once said anything mean about you, where as you feel the need to stalk my blog and say mean and nasty things about me.

    As for hearing from a source, you've been stalking my blog for weeks. I know every page you've been to. What kind of girlfriend shows so much interest in an ex-best friend/girlfriend. Creeper much?

    The only thing you've done here is prove my point. And this message wasn't even about you, but yet you knew who I was talking about when I said there was someone out there who meant to tear me apart.

    Cory and I may have ended 8 months ago, but we were friends for years, and I still regret very much the things that happen.

    "You won't find my IP Address on your little IP address follower thingy, because I've blocked it." I laugh at that. I knew when you switched anonymizers, because you left a pattern of being on my blog 5 times a day. Now, your ip comes through as a german address 5 times a day. I started laughing yesterday when I figured that out. Thank you. and all that comment served to do was tell me and everyone else who reads your comments that you'll be back.

    I don't hate you Natalia. I was just waiting for you to finally strike at something I did. I'm happy that you have made Cory happy. Good job for Kissing him. :) That was one of my favorite parts too.

    "I don't think that most people realize how little others care" - you apparently did, and again, it wasn't about you. The whole world isn't about you, and yet you pretend it is.

    " I still have someone who has made it their life's mission to tear me apart, spend hours on the blog looking for ways to hurt me, and I don't even know her."

    You automatically assumed it was you, because you're the person who is doing that.

    Good Luck Natalia. I will blog about what ever I will, cause I know that no matter what, you'll still be coming back. For someone who claims me very unimportant and very not worth anyone's time, I guess I'm worth the 5 hours you spend every day visiting my blog.

    And no. I don't judge you. I have never once said a mean word about you on the blog or off. Cheers!

  3. All you've done is dig yourself into a hole.... the internet has a LOOOOONG memory.

    And if I wanted to blog about you, i'd have lots of material. Thanks!

  4. What the heck stalker girl? Do you not have anything better to do with your life? How is it having a boyfriend who is clearly not over his exgirlfriend, or who misses them?

    Does he still sleep with the giant penguin that she gave him? Or the 3d vampire on the wall? I heard she gave him a DS. Does seeing all these reminders of her make you feel bad?

    Laura doesn't not think she is amazing, smart and beautiful. (even though we do) Laura is humble, caring and shows kindness to everyone. She talks about you sometimes, but has never once said anything bad about you.

    You need to get off your prideful high horse, and do some thinking of your life, if all you can do with your time is spend it on here looking for ways to hurt.

    Your friend in the mtc? No wonder he walked away from you. Who the hell would want to date someone who tries to stalk their past.

  5. P.S. If this REALLY was your first time on my blog, why on EARTH would you think that I was referring to you at all?

    You just gave yourself away.

    Good job.

  6. I think it might be nice if both parties let it drop - the "anonymous commenter" could stop saying mean things and Laura could stop mentioning the "anonymous commenter". Then we'd all be happy, at least on this blog.

  7. Dear Natalia,

    I do not know you, nor do I need to in order to write this reply. I will not attack your religion, your choices, your lifestyle. I will, however, commend you on labeling my dear friend Laura here for what she is: Wonderful, amazing, smart, beautiful, and, yes, cutesy and nice. I must regretfully inform you that, while commenting on Laura's blog here, you in fact, are standing on your own metaphorical "soap box" hoping that others around you will hear what you say, care about it, and stop to listen. Who is to say we will? I have heard your speech, but I must laugh at you for your hypocritical preachings at dear Laura here. Anytime she has ever mentioned you, it has been in passing and never in a negative manner. She has been, as you previously pegged her, wonderful and nice when speaking of you. You come here putting her down and attempting to burn all in your path. Why burn the beauty? The only thing Laura is guilty of is mourning the loss of the one she loved. I am guilty of this, as are you and everyone else. As with everything, everyone does their own business in their own time. Can't you see? You've already won the battle yet you're still pillaging all of the villages loyal to you. You have Cory; She doesn't. I must ask you, please, be mature enough to know when to step back. I don't understand why you are so incredibly insecure with your grip on Cory in the first place. If he was kissing you at the roundabout, his heart is yours. Claim it as such and place it in your pocket instead of parading around with your prize for all to see and boasting with pleasure, yet growling at all who come close enough to admire.

    I bid thee goodday.


  8. Dear ex-girlfriend #7,

    While I think you're pretty creepy, the real creeper is the one you're swapping spit with every night. Mmm.

    Have fun while it lasts!

    Much love,
    Ex-girlfriend #4

  9. wow. the drama in this comment room is full already. for the record, I love laura. She is this brilliant, fun, loving, giggly, spiritual amazing person i strive to be like one day. I miss her a lot. Unfortunately, we don't talk much, which is why i visit her blog often. Thank you Kris, Every, and the Anonymous 2. i second you all. Anonymous one, you're full of it. Stop stalking Laura. She's never said anything negative about you. Ever.

  10. Wow, everybody really just needs to let things go.

    I'm not sure who your harasser is, but it ain't me, and it ain't Natalia.

    I'd really like to not revisit this crap, it's really a waste of everybody's time.

  11. Thank you Cory.

    I agree. End it. I'd like to go back to my normal blogging activities. Thanks ^_^

  12. "you tried to be all cutesy and nice, so now I'm going to chomp your head off."

    what the heck does this have to do with the post? And where does she mention you?

    I agree. Old wounds should not be reopened. You're supposed to help others heal, and lift each other up, something you are really good at. :-)

    I'm now going to use this material for a talk. Thank you.

