[Hooky and Thoughts]

Monday, March 15, 2010

[Hooky and Thoughts]

Yesterday, was an ok day.  Compared to Saturday, which was a hectic day.  Saturday, I woke up and talked to Danny...  (shortly, he was studying...) and asked him if he and Chris had eaten, and if they wanted food.  He said yes, he supported food, so I made some scrambled eggs and mashed potatoes, and ran them over there.  They then proceeded to study.....

* note here *  So, my phone never got charged for more than like... 5 minutes at a time, so it'd charge, and then it'd die... over and over and over and over.  So, i'd get on the phone for like... 3 minutes, and then it'd die... or i'd send a text, and it'd die.  so I'd plug it in, and then walk away from my computer taking the phone with me a couple minutes later....

So.. they studied.. and then went to take their test... last chance to take it was at 3, and so, of course they went at 2:50.  I went back over to my apartment, and 15 minutes later, i get a text from danny that says.. "Castle Crashers now?"  I replied with a "wait.. you're done?"  and I got a text back that said..."yep and back.. 96% BABY!! and only with 3 hours of poor studying" **phone die** Some how... the 2 of them, took the test in 7 minutes and got a 96% on it.  Same score.  So, we played castle crashers, for a couple hours, and played halo...  Danny decided to make some dinner, at which time Chris and I got into a wrestling match over his phone...  probably an hour long one.  One that ended up with me running out of the apartment and into mine, and getting slammed into the wall... oh.. it was fun.

ok.. whoa.. back up.

Friday.  I got ahold of Brian to try and fix Danny's car.  Danny's car had a leak in the coolant system, and he hadn't driven it anywhere in like 3 weeks. Danny and Chris ran to walmart before brian got back to me, and i ended up grabbing Danny's keys while they were gone and walking him through what was up with Danny's car.  (side note, that one white car in front of my apartment got moved! hooray!!!!!) Brian brought me a mouse. For cornflakes.

Ok. I don't remember why I was backing up... something was important, I'll probably remember it later. 

Saturday night...   Chris and I made our way back to his apartment, where he then proceeded to take my phone, and we had to trade them... Apparently, chris had set up a movie night. Brady came over, and I'm not entirely sure why, but I felt like leaving... i wandered upstairs, and told Danny I was leaving, but that I wasn't going to bother Chris about it...

Danny and I had this conversation....
"I think i may take off"
"i just have a funny feeling, not sure what it is"
"maybe someday I'll explain it to you"
"Brady? Sadie? Tyler? What is it?
"No, not them.. well.. yeah, no not them"
"its butt head huh?"
"that's a yes, and its because of sadie"
"I overcomplicate things. There's a lot more involved than that. Lots lots lots more" **phone die **

I left, plugged my phone in, waited for it to turn on, carried it with me to the kitchen, where I sat on my couch and was very pensive for a bit.

15 minutes later I received a text **phone die** charged my phone... actually was able to read the text, to which Chris wasn't happy I had left.

I woke up the next morning, and went to church. Jenna drove me. I found Danny....

Laura: Hi danny.. are you saving this entire row? Or can I sit here?
Danny: No, you can sit here...
Laura: I brought food...
Danny: If that's the case, you can sit right next to me.

During sacrament meeting, one of the girls talked about something that reminded Danny of one of his FB notes.  He pulled it up, or tried to, I had to pull it up on my phone.  This is something that I have written on a post it note on my mirror.... Its a small clip of his note he wrote years ago...

"Be strong. Know and remember that we need to be worn away at times so we can be in more control of our lives. When life gets hard, keep in mind that Heavenly Father will remind you through trials and revelation that you are worth everything to Him"
After sacrament meeting, Danny and I kind of sat there... then I pulled him up on the stand and asked for his assistance.  I'm performing in Sacrament Meeting next week, and I'm arranging my own organ part for it, and I gave Danny a couple notes, and told him when to play them, and he did it for a little while, then took off....  He had never played on the organ before, and he started improvising.. Granted, he was really awkward at first, trying to figure out where to put his feet, but he got it, and started writing his own church songs... it.was.incredible.  I have some recordings.    He did this like... really really complicated chord, then resolved it with a modulation worthy of the conference center...

Laura: What was that?! it was so cool!
Danny: I know!!!!
Laura: That sounds like something you'd hear in the conference center!
Danny: * chuckles * I know!!!

He kept making these funny faces as me as he was playing, and it wouldn't sound right, and then he'd fix it.   Remember how i said he gets this look on his face of like utter pride?
 This is very similar to that look... i missed it by a millisecond.

Anyway, Danny and I ended up improv-ing organ and piano arrangements through out the rest of sunday school.  He'd start in and I'd start playing, and things like that.  He came over and joined me on the piano too.  It was fun!

Anywhoozle.   I did have some spiritual thoughts to write about.... buuuut. this post is really really long.  so.. i'll save it for a day i want to blog but don't have anything to blog about....


1 comment :

  1. The name "Danny" was mentioned here exactly 20 times. Someone has a crush.

